December 16, 2017


The new Real Estate module allows you to enter information about multiple properties, including mortgages, expenses, and receipts.

The Vacation Home feature allows you to specify a current or planned vacation home along with changes to that home.

We've also added support for annuities that don't use retirement account assets.


  • Allow descriptions for pensions.
  • Hide or downplay rollover alerts for unmodified base events displayed in Alternative Profiles
  • Display alert indicators next to items needing review in profile left hand navigation
  • Add indicator in left hand navigation on Alternative Profiles for changed items so it is easy to zero in on changes in a profile


  • Preview of unmodified Base Plan money activity from an Alternative Profile can be inaccurate. It is now accurate.
  • Maximum and minimum validation on mortgage loan balance not working. This is fixed.
  • Sort order of items in MaxiFi Base Profile multi-item screens is not stable. These now always sort in order they were added.
  • After changing person's death year, the old death year still shows up in activity panels such as Future Earnings and Retirement Contributions. This has been corrected so the death year updates immediately.
  • Maximized Social Security dates can cause error when applied to base plan if base has suspend/reinstate dates and Maximized Plan does not. This is fixed so all dates are applied correctly.
  • Can create an Alternative Profile from top menu even if no base plan yet. This is fixed so you can only create an Alternative Profile if you have run the Base Plan.
  • Importing family from Maximize My Social Security to MaxiFi results in Base Profile called "Your Plan" instead of "Base Profile". The profile is now named properly.
  • Clicking on Comparison Report icon from Base Profile dashboard results in error and no comparison. We now no longer allow clicking on the icon.
  • In divorced cases, Social Security Widow(er) benefits sometimes not shown or show incorrect date. This has been fixed.
  • RMDs for retirement accounts were not calculated if no current retirement assets. This now works even if no current assets in the accounts.
  • Benefit dates associated with past earnings do not display after saving in MaxiFi Social Security screen. This has been fixed.