December 29, 2019

New and Improved

We've made several important improvements to our handling of Social Security benefits for children:

  • We now consider each child’s own disability benefit (DIB) and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) when determining their Childhood Disability Benefit (CDB) and the maximized family strategy.
  • We allow you to specify if a child is in care and if you want to be entitled to child-in-care spouse's benefits.
  • Each child's full birthday and/or Month/Year of High School graduation is used to determine the end of their child benefits (before, just the year of birth was used).
  • Each child's full birthday is used to determine end of child-in-care spouse's benefits (before, just the year of birth was used).


The following items are now fixed and working as expected:

  • Child Earnings Reduction not appearing in report
  • Future rate changes not displaying in inputs section of PDF report
  • Link to maximize plan in alternative profile comparison report causes error
  • Provide better feedback when a person has reached the maximum number of retirement accounts we allow
  • Occasional errors when running survivor reports
  • Save and Add Another button appears when modifying data in alternative profile