Survivor Reports - Run a report to see the impact of one spouse/partner dying unexpectedly.
Reserve Funds - You can now set money aside so it isn't included in your spending plan.
Added Dimensional Fund Assets so you can create investment strategies using historical returns information from these funds.
Earnings, retirement account withdrawals, special expenses and receipts can now be set to continue until death date
Added a setting for future change to Medicare Part B premium growth rate
Improved guidance for correcting Social Security benefit information that is out of date when using benefit information in place of full earnings record
Added reports under Net Worth section detailing household and individual Estate
Allow Economies of Shared Living setting down to 1.4
Added income from existing annuities to Progress Tracker
Special expenses/receipts in PDF now appear in the same order as they do online
Added warning about automatic enrollment in Medicare Part A and impact on tax deductibility of HSA contributions when applying for Social Security
Added growth % and today's/nominal information to the summary view when showing monetary activity
Added table/chart toggle to Risk Analysis overview charts
Added Retirement Assets to the metrics you can choose from in the Compare tab of report
Increased number of assets that can be assigned to investment strategy
Allow roth first/last optimization even if a specific adult in family doesn't have both types of accounts
If entering data in a specific order you could bypass warnings and add a non-covered pension when using Social Security benefit information in place of earnings history. This can cause inaccurate calculations and is no longer allowed.
Going to Help Center from within initial family setup and then clicking Back would return to the very beginning of setup. Now it resumes setup where you left off.
Survivor percentage fields for pensions were not appearing in PDF, they now are.
Social Security benefits were not showing father/mother benefits for widowed situation. This is now fixed.
Emerging Markets asset and others could cause errors in some situations during Monte Carlo runs. This has been fixed.
Earnings prior to 1951 were causing errors with contingent planning enabled. They are now handled correctly.